How to Design a Website That is Hard to Ignore

You must have visited a website that attracted your attention so much that you were tempted to stay and explore it inside out.

Actually, most of us have experienced something similar. But, have you ever wondered what was it that made you stay on that particular website for so long? Was it the color scheme of the website or its images? Or, was it informative and easy to navigate.

What makes your website so irresistible that it is hard to ignore?

It is the design of your website. A well-designed website leads to an increase in customer traffic and an improved user interface increases conversions. There are some important factors about design and user experience that will help you to design an engaging website.

When creating or redesigning your site, keep the following factors in mind:

Keep the Layout Simple

The simpler your website layout, the better impression it will leave on the visitors. Visitors get confused if you try to be extra creative with your web design and fail to deliver the right message. That doesn’t mean it has to be boring, but it does mean it should focus on the essential things. If your website layout is simple, interactive and functional then it will be easier to load, navigate, and will run smoothly on different platforms or devices.

Make Navigation Easy

If you want visitors to spend more time on your site, you need to make it easy for them to get around it. You might be tempted to do something unique with your navigation menu design, but again, the simpler, the better. Improving the appearance of your menu is a  great way to make your readers feel comfortable when they land on your site.

Use Clear Calls to Action

Prime goal of your web design is to attract visitors and motivate them to buy your products or hire your services. To achieve that, your call of action buttons such as Sign Up, Contact Us and Buy Now should be designed in a way that makes them “pop” to a visitor scanning your website. And, make sure the text on the button is short and direct.

Relevant Content

Add content on your website that is relevant and targeted to your audience. Use what you know about your visitors to minimize their options, and focus their attention on your content, products and services. If you website has original, informative and relevant content, it would give a positive impression on your customers and will bring more traffic towards your website.

Striking Appearance

The look and feel of your page is just as important as the functionality. You only have merely 3-4 seconds to make an impression on a visitor. If they are not impressed within that time, they will simply leave. Use of the right color scheme, font, images, and videos can make your website more presentable. Don’t add too many images and visuals as it would take a longer time to load. 

Key Takeaway

It doesn’t matters if you belong to a e-commerce, retail company or B2B business, your end goal needs to be designing a website that fulfill its basic requirement of driving traffic  and converting your present customers into your potential customers.

Give your audience the first impression that you know will be the only one you need to gain their business by considering these factors when designing your website. If you want to design a website that user-friendly and attractive, you need to consider all factors including its functionality, appearance, its navigation and not to forget the content.  

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